Boxabl Boxzilla 2024 update

Latest Boxabl Boxzilla 2024 Update: Automation and Scalability

Boxabl, the company creating a buzz with its innovative factory-built tiny homes, is on a roll! This 2024 update dives into their latest advancements, including a glimpse into their next big project: Boxzilla.

Boxzilla- Scaling Up Production and Automating the Dream

Boxabl isn’t just building tiny homes; they’re building a whole new way of building homes. Their Las Vegas factory is humming with activity, with over 550 Casitas already produced and deployed across six states.

But they’re not stopping there. A whopping $15 million is being invested in brand new automated manufacturing equipment. This investment promises to revolutionize their production line, bringing down labor costs, expediting construction, and reducing the number of parts needed in each Casita.

Boxabl Boxzilla factory update


Thinking Big: Introducing Goldie and Boxzilla

Boxabl isn’t just about tiny homes anymore. They’ve unveiled the “Goldie” – a new product offering that expands their reach to include multi-bedroom models. This signifies a shift towards a broader range of modular housing solutions.

But the real game-changer is Boxzilla. This ambitious project is essentially a supersized Boxabl factory, designed to massively increase efficiency and automation. By achieving economies of scale, Boxabl hopes to bring housing production costs closer to those of the automobile industry, where houses roll off the line with incredible speed.

Boxabl factory tours

Building a Network: Franchises and Dealer Programs

Boxabl isn’t going it alone. They’re laying the groundwork for a nationwide network of partners.

Here’s what this means:

Boxabl Partner Directory: Coming soon is a directory listing installers, financiers, architects, and other crucial players to help navigate the process of bringing your Boxabl dream home to life.

Boxabl Franchises: Boxabl plans to offer franchises, allowing partners to replicate their factory model across the country and potentially even the globe.

Boxzilla Casita update

Investing in the Future: How You Can Be a Part of It

Boxabl’s innovative approach has attracted a passionate following. They’ve even opened up investment opportunities to the public, allowing over 40,000 people to invest directly in the company’s future.

Join the Boxabl Movement

Boxabl is more than just a company; it’s a movement aiming to revolutionize housing. With their dedication to automation, scalability, and building a collaborative network, they’re poised to shake up the industry.

Are you ready to join the future of housing? Visit Boxabl’s website to learn more about their products, investment opportunities, and even book a factory tour!

Book Your Own Boxabl home now>>>